OSH Unit Annual Activities 2022
- 26/1/2022 – SHLO Refresher Course
- 21/2/2022 – SHLO Training on Annex 21A Updates & Risk Management for HCW Close Contacts
- 2/3/2022 – SHLO Training on Annex 21A Updates & Risk Management for HCW Close Contacts
A workshop for SGH’s newly-appointed Safety and Health Liaison Officers were held over 4 days from 1st – 4th September 2020. The event was organised to educate the new SHLO about the new roles and responsibilities they carry to champion the cause of occupational safety and health in their own workplace.
Semua majikan diseru agar menerima sijil digital Home Surveillance Order (HSO) dan Release Order (RO). Hal ini kerana untuk mengelakkan kesesakan di Pusat Penilaian COVID-19 (CAC). Sijil digital HSO dan RO adalah sah laku di bawah akta 342.